- [ ] Change the “Sponsors” section to Partners
- [ ] Under partners, keep REtoken, add Blockchain Developers United and Bitcoin Bay with their logos and links to their Meetup groups
- [ ] Add a section for speakers
- [ ] Going to forward you all the info for speakers in email
- [ ] Fix all the thumbnails for TokenSummit.xyz and all the partner sites so they don’t say yonks. Possible to fix the template?
- [x] Wallet connect - Unlock Protocol - let’s discuss
- [x] Need sample partner landing page retoken.TokenSummit.xyZ
- [x] Unlock installed for ticket purchase
- [x] Needs to include fields name, email, discord (abc#1234), cryptowallet
- [x] Retoken logo
- [x] Ticket types
- [x] Add the TokenSummit Logo
- [x] Email sign up for updates
- [ ] Social Icons with to the top of the page with backlinks to
- [ ] Email signup with backend database to capture
- [ ] Add Disqus as the question/comment forum if free https://help.disqus.com/en/articles/1717063-adding-disqus-to-your-site
- [ ] Add a link to Become a Sponsor to a Google Form (let @MrsYonks know if you need the form in advance)
- [ ] Add a link to Become a Partner to a Google Form (let @MrsYonks know if you need the form in advance)
- [x] Center the words Bronze, Silver and Gold
- [ ] Standardize the font and spacing with the rest of the website
- [x] I think @Julie Luther had three bronze / silver / gold mountains
- [x] Take off the “Slots Remaining” please
- [x] Delete “Showcase your opportunity with one of the following packages” right above REtoken logo (it’s already right below it also)
- [x] This "First Annual Token Summit DAO Virtual Conference" needs to be replaced with "Inaugural Token Summit DAO Virtual Conference" since we're doing it more often than annually
- [x] Register HERE for the Conference <---add "Here" and turn this into a hyperlink
and replace "Click on the link below to purchase an NFT pass to the virtual conference event. You may also purchase VIP NFT passes to panels, interviews, and workshops led by some of the biggest names in the DAO space."
with "Your collectible NFT purchase is also your ticket to the event, all the extra benefits, and your replay."
Delete "Register Now
- [x] Replace "Join group interviews with the world’s best DAO pioneers. Participate in once-and-a-lifetime Q&A sessions with some of the space’s most innovative minds." with "Join us for group interviews with the world’s DAO pioneers. Submit questions for panelists. Top questions will be answered during the session and will be eligible to win prizes!"
- [x] Replace "Join a growing community of 1000s of DAO enthusiasts from February 21-23, 2022 for the virtual conference event of the year! Discuss the newest technologies available within the web3 space and learn the best practices in the cryptocurrency world from leading experts and founding members of some of the world’s largest DAOs." with
Join a growing community of thousands of DAO enthusiasts on International DAO Day, February 22, 2022, for the virtual conference of the year! Discuss the newest technologies available within web3 and learn best practices in the cryptocurrency world from leading experts and founding members of some of the world’s largest DAOs.
- [x] Add a Become a Sponsor button above the Become a Partner button